Monday, May 14, 2012

Packing & Moving

Over the course of the 2011-2012 school year, I will have packed up and moved my classroom...

wait for it....


Yes.  I'm the packing and moving champion!  (Sadly, there's no award for this.  Maybe increased muscle tone from picking up boxes?)

As this year comes to an end (I only have NINE days left - thank god) I finally received my official assignment from our Administration.  I know I've mentioned this, but a few months ago, I offered to my principal to move from the 7th grade math/science position to the Computer Elective position.  The current elective teacher wanted to switch... and I decided to go for it!

Now, I know I'm moving AGAIN - gotta go to the Computer Elective classroom (which is a GIANT room with a woodshopish area in the back) with all of my things.  I've been busy sorting and deciding what materials I can "pass on" to the teacher moving in and what things will come with me.   Also, it's a key idea to start throwing a lot of stuff away because I really won't need extra math worksheet copies in the computer room.

Over the summer, I'll be busily revamping the current websites and pages for the technology class.  Plain black 12 times new roman font on a white screen does NOT do it for me!  All of these ideas (with pics) will be in more detail for the linky party over at Miss Kindergarten's site.

Also, it means I'll probably change the focus of the blog just a little to more of an educational technology point of view.  I'm still going to work on taking all my older materials and forms, sprucing them up and uploading them for everyone.

Ultimately - it's definitely more "Life in Middle School" because I'll be hitting ALL three grade levels and really seeing ALL types of learners from the Technology Elective.


  1. Hi Lauren:
    Your new assignment sounds like a lot of fun.
    And I love your positive attitude!

    Happy packing,
    and Have fun...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. I look forward to you sharing your technological expertise on your blog!

  3. Congrats on your new assignment! I won't be packing up, but I will be changing from 6th grade reading to 5th/6th grade science! Super excited about the change!

    Can't wait to see what all you throw out here on your blog for us! :)



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