Sunday, May 6, 2012

Open House Linky Party!

It's that time of year again - Open House time!

In my school district - Open House happens about two weeks after state testing.  So, you have to totally tear down/cover up your room, only to have a miraculous turn around into an awesome learning environment in two weeks.  It always makes me a whole lot frazzled because I need to make sure that I have some awesome student work to display.

This year, I thought about it and I had my students create an Animal Project, complete with cube display. Each student had to research one animal with their appearance, habitat, food/heart information, classification levels and much more. They basically became an "expert" on their animal.  I am going to have all their animals on display for my Open House, so parents can see all the animals that were researched for the project.  It's going to be like going to the Zoo - all the animals are going to be grouped by their Animal Classification (Fish, Reptile, Mammal, etc).

I know that every year, I always struggle for some great Open House ideas.  I thought that it would be awesome to see what everyone else out there does for their Open House (or Parent Night?).  So, I set up the Open House Linky Party!  Whoo-hoo!

Open House Linky Party!


1.  Right click and save this picture to add to your linky post!
2.  Write your Open House post!  Pictures and other forms, ideas would be awesome!  If your Open House has already passed, tell us what you did or would do next year.
3.  Come back and Link Up to this post!
4.  Come back often to check out all the great ideas from great Teachers!

Due to lack of interest... I closed this linky!  No worries, I have lots of ideas for another one!

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