Monday, January 9, 2012

Clutter-Free Classroom Project: Week 1

I've been waiting on joining the Clutter-Free Classroom's Clutter-Free Project until today, so I could get back into my classroom and take all my pictures.   Last week, we couldn't get back to our rooms and like years past, our principal was available to be text and I could get into my room a little early.  Now, with a new principal, that luxury just isn't there.

The Week One Theme: Show Us Your Clutter!

Hoo-Boy!  Do I have some clutter for you.  A long, long story short.  I moved schools TWICE this year.  Once in July out of my school (SMS).  Good-bye Room 533, my home away from home for five years.  I spent three long months in my Trailer (T-3) before being allowed to move back to my original school (Hello SMS again!) but not into my old classroom.  I should take a picture of my garage, where I have about a third of all my teaching supplies that never made it back to my classroom in the moving madness.  (Did I mention... I received ZERO moving/time off days to move back to SMS?  Yeah.)

 These are just some overall shots of my classroom.  I just had my tables put in today...  Finally got rid of the dreaded "one-armed bandits" that are such a giant pain in the butt to move around.  I'll take the chatty-ness that tables bring any day over single desks that can't be moved around well.

 My school has tons of storage space.  Unfortunately, it's really easy to turn into a mess.  See this cabinet, it's all my teacher books from the various amounts of subjects I've taught.  I've taught just about all the subjects in the middle school level!  Do I get a prize?  (Insanity! Yay!)
Look, it's all my bulletin boards and poster stuff.  Also, the door is broken too.  I should probably put in a work order for that.
This is the area behind my desk.  I need to sort through the random papers and throw some junk away.
 Part 2 behind my desk.  It needs to become more functional instead of a storage place for my stuff that I use on a semi-regular basis.
I also have a closet.  It's like the black hole of stuff.  Things go in... and they don't ever come out.  My greatest fear?!  To have my students trap me in there.

So this is it... I'll have to ponder what my main goal really is.  I know I've purged A LOT of stuff by moving it around twice, but I want my room to be organized to the point where anyone could come in, work and get things done.  I need to get a few more things on the walls, once I have my stuff in the right places.  Also, I like being one of the most organized teachers on campus too!


  1. Your "success" bulletin board is so eye-catching. It is immediately what my eye was drawn to. I love it!

    Teaching in Room 6

  2. haha! They won't trap you in!!! You're room looks great! Can't wait to see what you do with it :)

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

    1. Thanks Mor! :) It's always been my fear, so silly!

  3. Ok, where is your clutter. Alright I saw 1 maybe 2 areas that could use help. You'll be done in no time.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

    1. Hi Ms. M!

      I know... I guarantee my room was more cluttered before I had to move rooms twice this year. My de-cluttering process then was one of anger/sadness because I was leaving my school. My next door neighbor standing in my doorway sadly as I finished everything didn't help either!

      I was going thru my stuff yesterday and I still have a ton of stuff... it's just hidden well. ;)

  4. Wow you have a fridge and a microwave in your classroom!

  5. Part of being a teacher are the clutter that comes with all the paperwork and project you’ve accumulated over the years. It’s amazing to see your space so clean and clutter-free. Needless to say, you are doing a thoroughly systematic job in managing your clutter. Keep that habit going! Good day!

    Clarence Rios @ Bins By Jo Ltd.


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