Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog Award!!

So, imagine my surprise that I've been nominated for another blog award.  Hooray!

Here are the rules to pass the award on:

1.  Thank the person nominating you and link back to their blog:

Thank you Lisa from Mrs. Tilmon's Says...  I'm so grateful you thought of me!

2.  Nominate 5 Blogs to pass the award on to...

Here are my choices -

Finding Joy in 6th Grade
to the square inch

A Middle School Survival Guide

3.  Post the Award on your blog...  


4.  Make sure everyone (yeah that means you!) checks out what these FABULOUS blogs offer!

Coming up...  I finally join the Clutter-Free Classroom linky party with Organizing my Classroom!  Check back soon for tons of pictures of my bare walled, messy classroom!  (Remember, I moved TWICE this year!  Be kind! Haha)


  1. Congratulation
    nominated for another blog award.
    Your blog looks very nice and attractive
    keep it on..............

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    SAT reading practice online

  2. Thanks, Lauren! I'm honored to recieve my first blog award! :)

  3. Yay! So glad you found your award. Congrats! :)


Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog! I read every comment and enjoy listening and seeing your thoughts! :)