Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Peek at My Week - Week #5

Hi Everyone - I'm back and gearing up for Week 5 at work.  My husband is finally on the mend from his surgery and our lives are starting to get back into the regular routine of life!  (Thank goodness!)

So, to start off my week on the right foot, I'm joining Jennifer over at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for her Peek at my Week linky!

1.  Continue with the Routines:

Another week into the madness of trying to get my 7th graders close to where I think they should be.  It's been a little difficult getting my morning group "with the program" so to speak because I have this weird revolving door situation with my classes.

1st Period: 34 total students -- with 7 leaving at the end of the period

2nd Period: 27 total students staying in the room -- with 13 students coming in.  (Yep...  you added them up right total of 40 kids with my TA that I am training with the madness.)

3rd period: 27 students leave -- 13 stay and then I add another 12 (very very very low) come in.

The volume level increases as the periods roll in and out.  I've been kicking them out for the break and making them walk in silently.  I've been making the stay room silent read too.  They work, but it's all just exhausting.

2.  Keep Moving Forward:

I feel tired just looking at this.  UGH!  Now, I noticed that I don't have anything for 9/11 on Wednesday.  I'll have to think about if I can squeeze something in that day.

3.  Read the Lottery:

I'm excited that we are going to start off the Hunger Games by reading The Lottery by Shirley Jackson on Monday and Tuesday.  Such a good story and what a great tie-in to the Hunger Games!

4.  WRITE:

My students looked at me like I had grown a second head last week when I made them write an essay.  Five paragraphs?  Hook?  Whaaaaaaaaaaa?  I was ready to tear my hair out!  (I also mentally cursed a few 6th grade teachers that only taught from the book and liked to read newspapers during class.  GR!)  So, I'm starting Writing Wednesday.  Hopefully, it will help some of my struggling students.  I haven't graded their essays this week - I'm scared people.

I know that I have some other home life stuff going on, but it's nothing fascinating...  Laundry (boo).  Reading Logs (boo).  I'm really waiting for all the good TV shows to come back on.

Also, my 2nd blogging anniversary is coming up.  I know that I have a few bloggers lined up for a giveaway, but email me ( if you wanna participate.  It's always good for getting new and exciting people to visit your blog!


  1. It is soooo difficult when students come and go throughout class! It's hard to plan anything when you have to repeat everything at least once. Hopefully it will all settle down for you soon.

    Thanks for linking up Lauren! I hope to see you back again next Sunday. Have a great week!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. Very impressed with your lesson plans and organization!!! :)

  3. I love how you teach The Lottery with The Hunger Games. Not only are you showing a thematic element, but you are also meshing two types of literature. Both offer such chilling disparagements of society. Very nice!
    Happy Teaching,

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