Saturday, July 5, 2014


Don't keel over from the shock of me posting two times in two days... but I wanted to help Susan at Middle School OCD promote her TPT Sale!

When I started teaching back in the day (heehee) and Susan helped me SO much with everything, so trust me when I tell you that everything in her store is wonderful. Plus, she doesn't post just anything, she makes sure that it's the best of the best.

Go visit her store!!

Also,  since I have you around... I did make a new item for TPT. It's the 5 Stages of Writing Poster to help you keep track of your classroom writing situation.

Go and check it out here!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Medieval Shield Project

(So, I'm going to pretend like I've been blogging this whole time! Long story short, class was misery and I'd rather not think about those kids one moment longer than I needed to! I'll be moving to a 6th grade high achiever class for next year, so hopefully I'll have more inspiration!)

This past year, I brought back a fun project for my students to work on - the Medieval Shield!

My students get to design their own Medieval Shield, complete with symbols that symbolize who THEY are. I tie it into the Medieval unit, which is about two chapters in our social studies books.... It works nicely with the Feudal System and Knights.

I'll tell you one thing, students love to talk about their favorite topic - THEMSELVES.

The shield has six openings, so I have my students pick six symbols. They have a rough draft shield to sketch their symbols on first and plan out their shield before I give them the construction paper cut out.

Additionally, because I feel guilty if my students are not constantly writing about something... they have to complete at least a paragraph that explains why they chose each symbol. The paragraph requirement depends on the class/level/attitude of the students that I'm teaching. If they can handle more, the requirement goes up. If we can actually get to the computer lab, then their paragraphs have to be typed.

Additionally, even the background color should symbolize an emotion or feeling that the students can tie to themselves. Here are a few links that you can use. I was planning on re-doing my instruction guide this year, however... I'm moving back to 6th grade. So, I'm not going to bother (haha!) since it's all Ancient History, not Medieval!

Family Crest Info

More Family Crest

Friday, January 17, 2014

Favorite Teacher Giveaway

(A small aside - why hello!  I am alive!  I've just had a slightly difficult year with some behavior kids… They have been zapping my blogging energy, so when I get home, I'd rather not think about their issues anymore than I usually do!  Thanks to Susan at Middle School OCD for getting me off my couch and back to writing.)

I am so happy to join up with Susan at Middle School OCD and Erin at Miss Lifesaver to join their 300 Follower Giveaway!

First, you must go and follow Miss Lifesaver and Middle School OCD!  

Go.  Now.  I can wait.

{hums patiently}

Are you back?  Oh good, then we can continue.

They are hosting a fantastic giveaway that features a scavenger hunt, where EVERYONE wins and a grand prize package full of wonderful items.

Graphics and Fonts by Confetti Graphics, The Learning Site, Lovin' Lit, and Shelia Melton

I've included my Literature Circle Guide as part of the grand prize.  It helps you prepare for using Literature Circles in a middle school setting based on my triumphs and failures!

I've also included some of my smaller items in their Everyone Wins! Giveaway.  There are so many awesome items, that I'm headed off to go and participate.

Favorite Teacher 

My favorite teacher was Mr. Bacer, my 6th grade teacher.  I loved this teacher, he was able to make all our subjects so interesting and it always seemed like he really cared about all his students.  He also was a computer guy and had an account to Prodigy (OMG I'm so old) that we could log onto to the internet during our 1/2 computer time.  The man was obviously a visionary in 1990.  I remember that his class really made learning fun.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2 Year Blog Anniversary

Two years ago - I started this blog because I had been transferred to a new school and I missed all my work friends.  I never thought that I would still be blogging two years later and would have made so many new blogging friends and followers!

I wanted to celebrate two years of stories, linky parties, pinterest boards, lessons, TPT products with all my friends and followers.

I have some great blogging friends and bloggers that I simply aspire to be like lined up to celebrate with me!

To celebrate, I am giving away some fabulous prizes! There will be an individual winner for each prize.

  • $25 Amazon or TPT Gift Card (Winner's Choice)
  • My entire 35 item TPT Store
  • Prize donated by Middle School OCD
  • Prize donated by Joy in 6th Grade
  • Common Core Task Cards from Carson Dellosa Publishing
  • Winner's Choice of 2 Items from Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road's TPT Store
  • Graphics Set from I'm Lovin' Lit
  • Paragraph of the Week Kit from Teaching in Room 6
  • Number of the Day Task Cards from Laffin's Learnings
  • 12 Genre Book Reports from 2 Peas and a Dog 
  • Winner's Choice of a Math Unit from Ideas by Jivey
That's a total of 11 awesome prizes for 11 awesome winners!

To earn entires you can follow each blog and their TPT stores.  You can earn additional entries by tweeting about the contest and writing a blog post on your own blog!  Earn your entries by claiming them in the Rafflecopter below!

Here are the wonderful bloggers that are joining up with me for the party!  Each blogger has graciously donated an item to celebrate!

Middle School OCD

joyin6th Homepage

Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

I'm Lovin' Lit

2 Peas and a Blog

Thank you again for following me!  I hope to keep up my blogging about Life in Middle School :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Quick Plot Review Chart Freebie!

A quick post - but I wanted to share something that I made tonight!

I needed something that I could give to my students and have them quickly review plot elements.  Since my school is concerned about my "excessive paper usage" (pft!) these are two on a page - save some trees.  (Or your school budget in my case!)

If you do download it, please leave me a comment letting me know! 

My BIG BIG BIG 2 Year Blog Anniversary party starts tomorrow (or tonight at midnight!).  Come back and check out the super awesome prizes you could win!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Peek at my Week - Week #6

I'm excited to be back for another installment for a Peek at my Week linky!  It's funny, I have stuff to blog about during the week, but it's been hard to get going after a long day a work.  I have pictures from my Interactive Student Notebooks, a lesson called "Hooks from Books" and my common assessment woes.  (Woes!)

The posts I write in my head are pretty awesome people.  If only I had my clone available to write them.

It's another full week for me:

1.  Blog Anniversary!

This week marks the 2 year anniversary of my blog!  I've been working to gather together some fantastic bloggers to join my celebration and I'm so very happy with the people that are participating!  When I decided to have my little internet party, I wanted the bloggers that I enjoy reading their blogs and buying their products to join up. 

The bloggers that are joining me are:
  • Susan from Middle School OCD
  • Kim from Joy in 6th Grade
  • Christy from Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road
  • Erin from I'm Lovin' Lit
  • Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6
  • Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
  • Jessica from Ideas by Jivey
  • Kristy from 2 Peas and a Dog
Come back on Wednesday, September 18th to see what you have to do to win all the fantastic prizes available!

2.  Re-teach, Re-teach, Re-teach!

My students totally bombed their common assessment this week.  It's pretty embarrassing, but I know that it's time to put a full stop to any new material and to go back to what they need to have mastered.

Have you guys read Instruction for all Students by Paula Rutherford?  (Amazon Link)

I love this book.  It has a lot of good ideas.  One idea listed is called "Chris' Test" - you put the students into groups of 2 and then they have to correct a fictional student called "Chris" and his/her test.  They don't know which answers are marked correct or incorrect - they have to go through and determine how to make their test better.  

I'm going to be using this on Tuesday to help my students review the common assessment and determine their mistakes.

3.  The Hunger Games (insert the music here)

Finally, finally, finally - my class is starting on the Hunger Games.  I think they are excited and starting to enjoy the first few pages we read on Thursday.  I had a few dissenters, but you can't make everyone happy.  I did purchase the famous Hunger Games TPT Lesson by Tracee Orman and it's as fabulous as you would think!

4.  Maintain Everything and Maintain my Sanity

Yep!  It's tough handling everyone, everything and to keep smiling.  Does anyone else feel the same way?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Peek at My Week - Week #5

Hi Everyone - I'm back and gearing up for Week 5 at work.  My husband is finally on the mend from his surgery and our lives are starting to get back into the regular routine of life!  (Thank goodness!)

So, to start off my week on the right foot, I'm joining Jennifer over at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for her Peek at my Week linky!

1.  Continue with the Routines:

Another week into the madness of trying to get my 7th graders close to where I think they should be.  It's been a little difficult getting my morning group "with the program" so to speak because I have this weird revolving door situation with my classes.

1st Period: 34 total students -- with 7 leaving at the end of the period

2nd Period: 27 total students staying in the room -- with 13 students coming in.  (Yep...  you added them up right total of 40 kids with my TA that I am training with the madness.)

3rd period: 27 students leave -- 13 stay and then I add another 12 (very very very low) come in.

The volume level increases as the periods roll in and out.  I've been kicking them out for the break and making them walk in silently.  I've been making the stay room silent read too.  They work, but it's all just exhausting.

2.  Keep Moving Forward:

I feel tired just looking at this.  UGH!  Now, I noticed that I don't have anything for 9/11 on Wednesday.  I'll have to think about if I can squeeze something in that day.

3.  Read the Lottery:

I'm excited that we are going to start off the Hunger Games by reading The Lottery by Shirley Jackson on Monday and Tuesday.  Such a good story and what a great tie-in to the Hunger Games!

4.  WRITE:

My students looked at me like I had grown a second head last week when I made them write an essay.  Five paragraphs?  Hook?  Whaaaaaaaaaaa?  I was ready to tear my hair out!  (I also mentally cursed a few 6th grade teachers that only taught from the book and liked to read newspapers during class.  GR!)  So, I'm starting Writing Wednesday.  Hopefully, it will help some of my struggling students.  I haven't graded their essays this week - I'm scared people.

I know that I have some other home life stuff going on, but it's nothing fascinating...  Laundry (boo).  Reading Logs (boo).  I'm really waiting for all the good TV shows to come back on.

Also, my 2nd blogging anniversary is coming up.  I know that I have a few bloggers lined up for a giveaway, but email me ( if you wanna participate.  It's always good for getting new and exciting people to visit your blog!

 photo email-1.jpg  photo bloglovin-1.jpg  photo pinterest-1.jpg

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Life in Middle School
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Best Blogs for Teachers 2012

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