Monday, December 3, 2012

December Currently!

Wow - I haven't been on time to finish one of these things for awhile!  Life has simply been busy and when I think about the Currently... it's like... the 20th of the month!

So anyway, here it is.  I'm surprised I made it through today SANE because my woodshop tools kept breaking down.  (Yep, I run a woodshop lesson because it's tradition.  I'm not a fan.  BUT it's pretty cool to see the kids make CO2 racecars.)

And even though it's only 2 weeks left - I'm really, really, really looking forward to vacation!


  1. Visiting from the December currently linky! I feel guilty saying it....(since I just had Thanksgiving break) but I totally need a Winter Vacation too! LOL

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific

  2. WHAT?!?! You get to go to Disneyland with your kids?! SO jealous!

    Will Grade For Coffee


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