Monday, November 19, 2012

Awesome Website(s) Alert!!

Since I've become one of the school's computer elective teachers, I've spent quite a bit of time looking through the web to find innovative websites that will help the teachers at my school (and myself) do things more quickly.  Here are a few of my current favorites!

There are three great websites that I would like to share with everyone: - A website run by Adam Bellows, an awesome educational blogger and speaker.  I saw him at ISTE 12 in San Diego.  His website has fantastic links and resources that everyone can use.  If you're looking for an educational website, search through his directory first.  It's worth the time. - Finally a FREE (at least for now, it's currently in beta) way to quickly assess your students!  Since I have a computer lab, it's SO easy for all my students to log into my room (no complicated uploading of user names, passwords, ID numbers, blood samples, pictures... you get the idea) and answer a few questions for me.  Comes pre-made with a easy to use EXIT TICKET for quick assessments.  Also, allows you to create your own tests, quizzes, etc.  For people without one-to-one device environments, students can use their own cell phones (check your districts policy on this one, though) or it's easy for students to switch in and out too. - Can I tell you that I simply ADORE Pixton?!  Pixton is a creative comic book/strip creator.  You can move and create ANYTHING on pixton.  Re-make fairy tales, tell jokes, summarize novels, etc.  Pixton gives anyone a lot of freedom from changing poses, hands, eyes, colors, clothing, etc...  You have to pay for your students to have access after the trial period - but I've discovered that their rates are very reasonable.  I could practically afford to pay for all my entire classes out of my own pocket.

If you use them - let me know how you liked them!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dears LIMS!

    Thanks for the tech-ideas! (Blood samples...heeheehee)
    I'm off to check out your suggestions. My kids would be delighted to have some new links.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Lauren!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


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