Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lesson Planning Format

It's almost hard to believe that this is my 8th year of teaching... and not ONCE in all those 8 years of teaching have I been required to submit my lesson plans.

Crazy, right?

This year, probably because all the other middle schools in my district do so, my principal required us to have lesson plans out on our desks.  All the teachers at my school wanted to make sure that we're on track with his ideas freaked out, because our principal showed the basic 7 step lesson plan format that we learned back in teacher school.  (Don't you just hate those long things?)

I've been using a template similar to what Ms. M (What the Teacher Wants) sells on her blog.  Her templates are geared for the K-3 grades and I needed something that works for middle school, so I toiled away and made my own.

I showed this format to my principal and lucky for me, he said it is okay to use in the place of the other (evil) lesson planning format that the other teachers are using.  So here is what I use:

I mean, it's not like you have computer elective lesson templates just laying around all over the internet!  I have my ELL strategies on the bottom on the page as a reminder, along with my NETS standards and the Teach like a Champion strategies on the bottom right.

I really do have to thank Ms. M for the Assessment idea of circling which assessment you're doing.  Really saves time and paper.

NETS and Assessments.  I also like having the colors up at the top.  Yes, small things make me happy.

My To Do list is usually a mile long... but I try to write in my most important things to do over the week.

So, this is my lesson plan format.  What do you think?

I'll be back later this week with my No Opt Out results! :)


  1. This looks really great. What program did you create this plan in? Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Looks fantastic! I'm still trying to find a format that will work for me (resource math and science for grades 6-12). I like this idea. Would you be willing to share the format?

    1. Lisa - I don't think that should be a problem. I'll add my formats in a different post!

  3. The format looks wonderful! I teach middle school, too. There is never a dull moment! I am now following your blog and look forward to reading more!


  4. I love this format! Do you have a way that I can snag this to use? Thanks for sharing!
    Loose Shoelaces

  5. I love this! Is there anyway I could have a template of my own to borrow/use?

  6. loving this format for a planner...any template?

  7. LOVE! Do you sell or share it??


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