Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Day of School, Internet Woes and a Linky!

(Note:  I wrote this post yesterday before my internet suddenly disappeared.  Since then, I've spend hours on the phone with Verizon, threatened to cancel my services three times and still don't have any internet.  UGH.  So, if things are behind... just know that I'm battling over here to get the services I should have.)

Today was my first day back at school, but I’m going to hold that off for a post tomorrow! 

I’ve been thinking about how much time and effort everyone at my school and all schools put into their classrooms.  I mean, I spend the time and effort papering, printing, arranging pleasing colors and my middle school kids don’t really appreciate all the time I put into it.  Also, I know that I always feel like I learn SO much by looking at other teacher’s décor and styles.

Did you take your classroom from drab to fab?  Show it off!

So, I wanted to host a linky party that allowed everyone to share their classrooms for the 2012-2013 school year!  Hooray!  Please join up!

Here are the rules:
1.  Write a blog post about your classroom!   How did you decorate?  Any fabulous pinterest ideas?  Pictures are encouraged!
2.  Link up to the party!
3.  Share the graphic on your post and encourage people to join in!
4.  After you join, please follow the Rule of 3 (copyright Farley!).  Please comment on the 2 people in front of you and 1 person behind!  That way everyone gets a lot of blogging love and new visitors to different sites!

I can’t wait to see what everyone did for this new school year!  I’ll post my link in here too.  (I didn’t want it to clutter up this info post!)


  1. I'm a brand new blogger, but I'd love to get in on this. I can take the pictures of my room tomorrow, but how exactly do I "link up" and find the other blogs to learn from and comment on?
    Thanks a million!

    1. Hi Kristin!

      It's easy! Just take pictures of your room and write a blog post about it tomorrow. Then you'll come back to my page and link your post here. When more people join in, then you can come back and click on their class links and they'll click on yours! :) If you want a great example, check out Oh Boy 4th Grade's "Currently" linky party and see what it looks like in action!

  2. Fun!! I'm just now able to get into my room so I'll be linking up when I reach that "fab" state! ;)

    Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes

    1. Can't wait to see what you come up with Janaye!

  3. I am so glad you are hosting this linky, I was just looking for something to linkup to after finishing my post this evening! :)

    Antonia @ forkin4th

    1. Thanks for participating!!! I was so happy to see your room!

  4. This is my first linky party! Thank you for the opportunity to share! I enjoy seeing what others are doing in their classrooms. One of my favorite new sites has to be Pinterest! Many of my ideas have come from there and I adapt them to my needs.

    1. Tori -

      I'm so glad you joined up!! :) I'm addicted to pinterest too! Follow my boards and I'll follow you right back!

  5. Still not getting any internet connection even after telling your provider that you'll cancel their services? That was really frustrating! And to think you did it 3 times. Looks like you really had to contemplate on changing your ISP, if that’s the kind of service they offer.

    Clara Brooks @ Telco World


Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog! I read every comment and enjoy listening and seeing your thoughts! :)