Monday, July 2, 2012

It's a Shout Out...

::singing:: ...with Kevin and Ralph....  ::nomoresinging!::

Thank you to Mallory over at 6th Grade All-Stars for passing on the Liebster Award to me!

It's for blogs that have LESS than 200 followers (sigh!) and that deserve more attention (oh yeah!)

So, to pass this along, I'm going to pass it to:

Laura - Will Grade for Coffee  (In fact, that's Miss I'm Engaged Laura! Congrats!) while she is under 200 people!  Seriously, she went from 100 to 200 in a blink!  (Jealous!)

Jena - Caught in the Middle who is another Middle School blogging buddy! :)  Yes!  This is my award and I can pass it to my friends!

Oh and I highly doubt that anyone can guess what my Title Heading song is from because it's NOT educational and highly... um... politically incorrect, but if you know it... comment the show in the comments and I'll send you one of my $1.00 items from my TN/TPT store for freeeeeee!  (giggling at home)


  1. yay!! Scrolling through those blogs now!! By the way, congratulations for the awards. Keep up the great work!
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Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog! I read every comment and enjoy listening and seeing your thoughts! :)