Tuesday, July 10, 2012

100 Follower Giveaway!

Wow - I'd never thought that I would make it to having 10 people, let alone 100 people follow this blog!  When I started the blog back in September, it was just a place that I connect with other teachers because I was lonely at my new school.

Take a look at the new blogging layout!  This was designed by the fantastic, wonderful Jenn over at Munchkin Land Designs!  I love love love my new look on the web!

So, THANK YOU for reading my posts, commenting with your thoughts and making me a place on the internet that you read about education!  I read every comment left and really appreciate the time to take to stop by.  With that, I would like to reward you with my 100 Follower Giveaway!

I have a bunch of wonderful blogging friends that are participating in this giveaway as well... so lets break down the prizes that you can win!!

Lauren from Life in Middle School 


I will be offering a $10 Amazon Gift Card AND my ENTIRE Teacher's Notebook Shop to the lucky winner!

Kim is donating a $10 Starbucks Gift Card!  

Kristen will be donating one of the items from her Teacher's Notebook Store!

Jena will be donating her Science Lab Book and her Classroom Labels Set!

Katie will be donating two items from her Teacher's Notebook Shop!

Janaye will be donating an item that the lucky winner can choose from her Teacher's Notebook Shop!

Laura will be donating an item from her Teacher's Notebook Shop!

I'm so lucky and thankful that all these ladies said they would participate in this giveaway!  Thank you everyone!

Are you excited to join?!  I know I'm excited to finally get this 100 Giveaway Party started!  Go ahead and enter into the Rafflecopter below!  I have lots of ways that you can earn your entries!  I will have winners for each individual prize and then ONE GRAND PRIZE winner that will win all the prizes listed above.  (Except the $10 gift card, that I can only give out one time.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the new design! It's so cute. Congrats on 100!

  2. Congrats on your followers!!! That is quite an accomplishment!!

  3. Congrats Lauren! The fun has just begun...

  4. I blogged about your giveaway at http://www.pencilsbooksanddirtylooks.com/.

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

    1. Thank you Aimee! I appreciate the mention at your blog! :)


  5. I have been reading your blog since the beginning! I love it!! So awesome having upper-el and middle school bloggers out there!!! Congrats to you!!

    YoungTeacherLove 5th Grade Blog

  6. Congratulations on your followers! What an Amazing site! Lots of great ideas..

  7. entered!! :)

    hey hey,

    I was wondering if you could help me out! I am having a discussion about your TOP 5 favorite books for middle schoolers! Come join me!

    Mrs. Crouse @ {6th Grade} All-Stars

  8. I love your new design and am lyour newest follower. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I follow on google connect as "anash"
    Thanks for this awesome giveaway
    anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  10. Your giveaway is on the blog! It's a great one! :)



  11. I love your blog and it's new look! Definitely very cute! I blogged about your giveaway here!

    Miss V's Busy Bees


Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog! I read every comment and enjoy listening and seeing your thoughts! :)