Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Winner Winner!

Just a few hours ago, I had the best type of surprise in my inbox!  I had won the 400 Followers Giveaway over at the wonderful Fun in Room 4B!

Fun in Room 4B

Yay!  That's me!  Sadly, I'm not too up on my Rafflecopter entry forms and I was buzzing through it, so I didn't think of putting Life in Middle School... but that's me!  I'm choosing the $25 dollars over at Amazon so I can buy some amazing books!  Here's what I might buy...  I need to start narrowing my focus to some computer technology books.

This one looks interesting...

I also think that Scholastic books are the best content for the price... So this option for $8 seems to be a good choice!

Ultimately, I was very thankful to win this great prize from Fun in Room 4B!  Thank you, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it feel so good to win something???? I've won a few things from bloggers-books and money are always my favorite things! :)



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