Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moving Pictures

Today was my official "last day" of work - just an inservice day where we get to check out, clean out our rooms and all that good stuff.  It's a quick and easy day, most of our staff can get in and out in a hour.

So, I finished moving over to my new computer room today.  All of my stuff is out on the shelves and needs to be sorted, organized, and put away.  This is the countertop towards the back of the room.  My mini fridge and microwave won't stay in that spot, they'll go back in my "workroom."

 This is the workroom - it's also the "woodshop" with a jigsaw cutter, hole poker (yeah, the technical term there) and a sander that you can't see.  My Assistant Principal thinks I'm nuts to keep the CO2 car program going with the woodcutting.  I think I'll keep it up until all the wood blocks have been used.  You can see that I have a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned and put away.

Here are some shots of the computer lab....  And decorating ideas?

 I also took a look at the bulletin boards that surround the computers.  I like all the bulletin board space, but look at all those outlets = pain in the butt to work around.  I don't look forward to cutting the bulletin board paper to have to deal with those.  Our school colors are turquoise, black and silver, so I'm thinking about decorating all the boards with that coordinating color scheme.  And, see that lip in the upper left corner?  I'm thinking maybe covering all that in black?  Too dark?  The paint on the walls looks awful and I think I need to cover them.

Finally, this is my desk/teacher area.  I liked the L shape I made with my electronic cart and my small teacher's desk.  The previous teacher had his back to the class (doesn't make any sense, but to each his own) and I had to switch everything around.

I'll be back into work tomorrow to finish things... I hope?!  Anyone else still moving, sorting, etc?


  1. I love your room! You can hang CD's with numbers above the computers to help students remember which computer to sit at! :)

  2. The cd idea is cute! What about covering w/ turquoise & using a black & silver edging? You could overlap the two.

    Every New Beginning Blog


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