Friday, January 6, 2012

Playing with a New Layout

 I've been spending my quiet Friday night (husband and son fell asleep early!) playing around with various layouts from Leelou Blogs.

What do you all think?!  The only thing bugging me is that my blog icon matches my old first layout and I'll have to search the web to find a background that matches this one.


  1. Really like the new look! It's an eyecatcher!

  2. I like it! Mine is also from Leelou! :)

  3. I love your blog colors and buttons, etc. I went to LeeLou site for ideas but she's on maternity leave right now. I'll check back later. It is super attractive. I'm having a hard time with my blog - I'm new at this. I think LeeLou may be the answer. Thanks for including that in your blog.

  4. I have a question - how do you get a signature box? Thanks


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