Monday, January 16, 2012

Clutter-Free Classroom Project: Week 2

Week 2 Prompt: What is your plan for decluttering your classroom?

Ah...  What is my plan exactly?  

Clutter-Free also posted these three thoughts

A lot of my problem is that I have a lot of stuff that no one will need.  Why do I need to keep file folders that already have student names on both sides.  What on earth can I still do with it all?

The Plan:
  • ::Throw away:: old file folders, the previous teacher's bag of junk (I'm sorry, but I found a bag of his old socks.  Gross.) and paper files that I no longer need.
  • ::File:: Any original copies, example projects, student copies, etc.  I tend to throw all my original copies into a file basket and keep them there until it overflows.  I have several groups of these papers.  Problem... thanks to my double move, I have no clue where some of them are!  Home? School?  Garage?
  • ::Organize::  My teacher books and teaching materials.  I need to get bins or tubs for Languages Arts/Social Studies and Math/Science.  I'll admit that I'm a teaching book hoarder.  I have a box for just Language Arts and Social Studies sitting in my garage.  I went to the Teacher Created Resources Sale today about bought 10 more math practice books.  However, I know a lot of you have been teaching the same subject for years and can purge the unnecessary subjects.  I can't...  These were been my last four assignments...
    • 2011-2012: 7th Grade Language Arts/ Social Studies - then transfered to 7th grade Math/Science
    • 2010-2011: 7th Grade Language Arts/ Social Studies
    • 2009-2010: 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Math Intervention
    • 2008-2009: 6th Grade Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science
  • Yeah, I have no clue what I'll be up to next year!
  • ::Bring to Work::  There is about half my classroom that's being stored in my garage.  You'd cry if I took a picture of my garage.  I did take a picture of what's in my office at home.  It all needs to be reunited!
Reunited and it feels so good!
So that's the grand plan for now!


  1. Well, my school isn't ready. ALL of my things are in the garage. Not good since we are are about to start packing to move. #toomuchstuff

  2. I've been working night and day just to make a path. Almost there.


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