Friday, October 28, 2011

Finally Treading Water...

Hello my Middle School friends!

I am about halfway moved into my new classroom at my new/old school. According to my school district, because I was a "voluntary" transfer I did not receive any prep days to move my classroom and to prepare for my new students. It's been a bit of a whirlwind since Monday 3:30pm, when I found out that I was moving into my new class on Wednesday.

In addition, I also switched content levels from 7th grade Language Arts/Social Studies to 7th grade Math/Science (and an EXTRA 8th grade Science thrown in! Eeeep!)

So... madness.

Luckily, my new students are VERY sweet and have been working nicely the past three days. (Except for my 8th graders, but they're another blog post.) That's a bit off my shoulders. When I get online access to their information, that will be another step in the right direction.

My new students have been telling me that they're very upset that all the other science classes have been able to do Lab Experiments and since they have had a sub, they've been left out. So I promised them that we would start some Lab Safety next week to prepare for lab experiments. I made these Lab Safety "Licenses" that I'll share with everyone.

Also, a shout out to Middle School Math Rules! and her great One-Step Equation idea. Her group lesson for solving Equations is in my plans for next week and I already kinda prepped them using colors in math today. I had my students take a colored pencil for their inequalities and start boxing all the key words (like, more than, less than, etc) in the problems to make their inequality words really POP! They seemed to enjoy doing something a little different.


  1. I'm glad you are settling in.
    Your post already sounds happier.

    Can't wait to hear about science lab work!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. Thanks for the shout out and I hope your new placement is going well!


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